Marianne Schmidt

‘Values Not Volumes’ was the key statement, when I decided to move to a small Danish island. Every product I make contains the same priority of values rather than volumes:
HATS BY SCHMIDT are Handmade Quality that you’re going to keep for the rest of your life.
It’s time to step up to the next level of fashion and personal expression. It’s not a matter of time or age; it’s a matter of personal expression throughout decades and across generations. I believe that every person has an individual personality like a companion throughout life. It’s time to let your personality shine. With HATS BY SCHMIDT you can complete and emphasize your own style.
HATS BY SCHMIDT will make you stand out from the crowd with your own style and personal expression. It’s not about fashion; it’s about you showing your true personality.
With the handmade exclusivity HATS BY SCHMIDT embraces your head and protects you from all kinds of weather. The process starts with a knitted cord wrapped around the head. Because of this technique everything is in double layers. The yarn is spun and dyed especially for the purpose.
HATS BY SCHMIDT are Handmade Quality with an uncompromising design.