George William

G. William Bell’s work stands on the fine line between fine art, craft and design with material investigation and innovation at its core. His personal artistic exploration has entered a paradoxical paradigm in which craftsmanship and artistic intent work in collaboration with the possibilities inherent in self governing form. Exploring autonomous, self generative aesthetics, material possibilities come into being which hold the power of tactical form and expression beyond human imagination. Bells work looks to the future of the handmade object, a future in which boundaries are blurred, and ingrained belief systems are challenged. His work has been exhibited widely, featuring in several high profile international exhibitions including New Glass Now, at Corning Museum of Glass (New York), The European Award for Applied Arts (Mons, Belgium) as well as Glass is Tomorrows touring exhibition (Stockholm, Milan, London) amongst others. He has received awards from Danske Kunsthåndværkere & Designere, Ung Svensk Form, and the Stanislav Libensky Award. With a Masters Degree from KADK, he currently divides his time between working as a guest lecturer with his professional practice.
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